Frequently Asked Questions
Where am I?
You’re reading Views from the Choir Loft, a blog/newsletter/podcast/secret society about the intersection of many different ideas and disconnected musings.
Who are you?
I’m Luke. I’m the perpetually sleepy grad student and musician behind this whole affair. I play the organ and sing and occasionally dig my ukulele out of the closet to play some Death Cab for Cutie song I suddenly remembered.
Why should I read this?
Well, there are certainly many other things you could be doing with your time, so I can only hope to inspire a wry smile or perhaps even a chuckle and some self-reflection. You can be the judge of that!
How do I subscribe?
Why does this question make me feel like a YouTuber. Anyway, you have a few options here: email, fediverse [(at)luke(at)thechoirloft.net], or good old-fashioned RSS. More on these later.